Thursday, June 30, 2011

Caffienated Confessions

I once claimed to be a coffee enthusiast. Certainly I enjoyed my morning cup-a-joe but I didn't need it. I just enjoyed it...And it instantly improved my level of AlertnessAttentionAndOverallQualityOfLife. I could go without, if I really wanted or needed to, but I didn't. So each morning began with a mug of instant life force. Still--just an enthusiast.

Recently, however, I have been learning that without my morning mug I rarely seem to fully join the living. No matter how much sleep, no matter what hour I arise, whether I exercise or vegetate, I do not fully wake up until a cup of coffee (or several cups of strong tea) are coursing through my veins.

Confession: I, Jillian, am addicted to caffeine.


  1. Welcome to the land of the living! I don't know how I will manage come school time when my dad doesn't wake me in the morning with freshly brewed coffee... It's hardly manageable when he's away on assessment :D mom and I have a favorite drive through coffee place run by a guy named Jared. We laugh every time we're heading there. "We're going to Jared's!!!" and naturally the sign of ultimate love for us is not the diamond ring of the commercials... nope it's a steaming hot cup of caffeine!
